Adiree Company | Five Columns Wide
About Adiree Communications is an omni-media and ecommerce company connecting you to niche communities of multicultural and pan-african women between 15 - 30 . founded the annual Pan-African-focused, lifestyle marketing platform called Africa Fashion Week ( ADIREE Communications work and company has been profiled in CNN International, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Forbes Africa, Huffington Post, Forbes Afrique, CNN International, Black Enterprise, Huffington Post and CNN Inside Africa.
Adiree Communications, Omni Media and Ecommerce Platform, Africa Platforms Development, Africa Trade Development, Pan-African Marketing, Multicultural Marketing, Pan-African Communications, Multicultural Communications, Pan-African Media, Multicultural Solutions, Multicultural Marketing, Multicultural Media, Omni Multicultural Media, Cross Cultural Experiences, Africa Marketing Agency, Africa Media Agency, Africa Communications Agency,
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Women Inspiration Enterprise

In Consulting / Content / Events / Workshops

Viacom: VH1/MTV

In Consulting / Content / Events / Publicity / Social Media

USAID, Ethiopia & New York

In Advertisements / Consulting / Content / Events / Publicity / Social Media / Video / Web & Ecommerce / Workshops

United Nations Foundation

In Consulting / Content / Events / Workshops

Shea Radiance

In Content / Social Media

Shadow of the Almighty Ministries

In Content / Social Media

Safari Cosmetics

In Advertisements / Consulting / Content / Events / Publicity


In Advertisements / Consulting / Content / Design / Events / Publicity / Social Media


In Advertisements / Consulting / Content / Events / Publicity / Social Media / Video

Nyandibo Beauty Agency

In Advertisements / Consulting / Content

New York Fashion Week Pop Up Shop

In Content / Events / Video

Molton Brown

In Advertisements / Consulting / Content / Design / Events / Publicity

Matthew Christopher

In Content / Video

LcB Nails

In Advertisements / Content

Korto Momolu

In Consulting / Video

Kimora Lee Simmons | Shinto Clinical


Jewelry Designer Client Megan Isaacs

In Events / Publicity

Hearst Magazines

In Consulting / Content / Events / Publicity

Global Connections For Women (GC4W)

In Consulting / Events / Publicity

Gbenro Ajibade

In Advertisements / Events / Publicity