Adiree Company | Adiree Communications at New York Fashion Week Africa : omni-media and Ecommerce company connecting you to niche communities of multicultural and pan-african women between 15 - 30
About Adiree Communications is an omni-media and ecommerce company connecting you to niche communities of multicultural and pan-african women between 15 - 30 . founded the annual Pan-African-focused, lifestyle marketing platform called Africa Fashion Week ( ADIREE Communications work and company has been profiled in CNN International, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Forbes Africa, Huffington Post, Forbes Afrique, CNN International, Black Enterprise, Huffington Post and CNN Inside Africa.
Africa Platforms Development, Africa Trade Development, Pan-African Marketing, Multicultural Marketing, Pan-African Communications, Multicultural Communications, Pan-African Media, Multicultural Solutions, Multicultural Marketing, Multicultural Media, Omni Multicultural Media, Cross Cultural Experiences, Africa Marketing Agency, Africa Media Agency, Africa Communications Agency,
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Shea Radiance


Shea Radiance was looking to stand out from competitors and attract major retailers like Wholefoods and Target.


Led by Adiat Sadé Disu, a B2B/B2C marcoms strategy was provided.

First, we established digital-first and community-centered campaigns focused on women (#SHEaradiance) across social platforms to increase consumer demand.

We established a media plan anchored in 4 core content pillars such as

  1. sustainability
  2. health-conscious
  3. women empowerment
  4. founder’s story



  1. 20M impressions (+1.3M impressions over delivery)
  2. 89% positive or neutral sentiment (vs. 87% CPG benchmark)
  3. 23K total Engagements (significantly above platform and category benchmarks)
  4. 20+ trade publications and media placements